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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


HK Today

The Joys of Authors

From Brian's Desk

The Joys of Authors

By Brian Holding, CEO Emeritus - Retired brianh@hkusa.com

One of the many joys of publishing is building relationships with our authors and sharing in their career success. I was reminded of our authors’ many successes recently when the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN) announced the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award winners.



Global Perspective

HK Canada in Partnership with Canfitpro

By Jake Rondot, Managing Director, HK Canada jaker@hkcanada.com

Founded in 1993, canfitpro is the largest provider of education in the Canadian fitness industry, delivering high-quality education, certifications, conferences, trade shows, and services to more than 85,000 members who include some of the world’s finest fitness professionals, health club operators, industry suppliers, and fitness consumers.

HK Canada’s proud partnership with canfitpro stretches back over 15 years, beginning as an exhibitor in the early years of canfitpro’s annual conference, later becoming a provider of continuing education courses, and more recently becoming a publisher of canfitpro’s excellent certification content.

Division Direction

At the 2014 Boston Marathon

By Jason Muzinic, Trade Division Director jasonmu@hkusa.com

This past April, HK’s Consumer division marketing director Bill Johnson and I had the pleasure of being in Boston for the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. The majesty of the event is legendary, but this year, it was especially so. Blue and yellow and the now-familiar declaration of “Boston Strong” blanketed billboards, restaurants, and businesses. And though the attention centered on the event, the pride and passion on display were symbolic of so much more.

Nowhere was the significance more evident than at the Marathon Expo. The three-day event allowed Human Kinetics to showcase our titles on running, nutrition, and endurance; meet with authors; and interact with the runners themselves. Those interactions were both enlightening and inspiring.

News From Around HK

Attendance at Trade Shows Gets Your Work in Front of People

By Julie Lyons, Exhibits Manager juliel@hkusa.com_altered

(Exhibit Manager Jean Edwards coauthored this article.)


A trade show lasts only a few days, but our work for each one starts about a year in advance. As the Human Kinetics exhibits managers, our role is to manage every detail that goes into our participation in trade shows. We administer all of the arrangements and oversee planning for each event. Putting an exhibit together is truly a team effort and involves our collaboration with virtually every department at Human Kinetics—marketing, sales, graphic design, tech, fulfillment, finance, and shipping, to name a few.

It is so easy to do: You have a file on your computer that includes much of what you want to include in your new chapter, so you copy and paste from it, not remembering that it was published elsewhere. Or you are researching a concept on the Internet and find a paragraph that says exactly what you want to say. Stop! Before you copy and paste, remember that you need to credit the publication—whether print or online—and you may need to seek permission, which may cost more than you think.


Several editors at Human Kinetics have run into plagiarism scares. These have been completely unintentional on authors’ parts, yet these incidents have jeopardized their publications. To prevent any embarrassing moments, we encourage you to take seriously the effort to…


40 Years and Counting

By Amy Rose, Video/Associate Mgmt Editor amyr@hkusa.com

This spring, Human Kinetics was party central! We celebrated our 40th anniversary in style and in many ways. Leading up to the actual anniversary date of April 1, we shared stories and memories from long-serving staff, our early authors, and Rainer and Julie Martens. There was also a countdown of the 40 employees with the longest history here at HK. Employees enjoyed seeing the old pictures and hearing about the history of HK through the memories of those that created it.

On April 1, all employees received polo shirts to commemorate the 40th anniversary, and we hosted two ice cream parties—one for employees and one for friends, vendors, and business partners of Human Kinetics.

The subsidiaries in Europe, Australia, and Canada also found ways to join in the fun. They …

New Releases: April 1, 2014, - June 30, 2014

These are the products that were released and offered for sale between April 1, 2014, - June 30, 2014. Clicking on a product title will take you to more information on the Human Kinetics Web site.

Conditioning to the Core

by Greg Brittenham, Daniel Taylor


Youth Baseball Drills

by Peter Caliendo


Health Opportunities Through P

Authors and Editors in the News Authors and Editors in the News

We’re pleased to share milestones that our authors and other friends have achieved recently.

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