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Just One Click Away: Stopping Plagiarism in Its Tracks

Just One Click Away: Stopping Plagiarism in Its Tracks
It is so easy to do: You have a file on your computer that includes much of what you want to include in your new chapter, so you copy and paste from it, not remembering that it was published elsewhere. Or you are researching a concept on the Internet and find a paragraph that says exactly what you want to say. Stop! Before you copy and paste, remember that you need to credit the publication—whether print or online—and you may need to seek permission, which may cost more than you
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Understanding Ancillaries

For many textbooks, it’s essential that we think not just about the book but also about creating a high-quality suite of products for the instructors who will choose the text for their courses. Human Kinetics textbooks often include ancillaries such as instructor guides, test packages and chapter quizzes, and presentation packages. Student ancillaries, such as downloadable web resources and interactive web study guides, are also appropriate for some books. All of these products are
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by Kate

Changes on the Horizon in HK’s Editorial Process

Throughout our 40-year history, HK has provided a higher level of editorial assistance to you, our authors, than many other publishers offer. While some publishers focus primarily on copyediting and production management, HK provides authors with developmental editing by in-house staff who are experts in the publishing process and in many of our subject areas. HK’s developmental editors (DEs) have an average of 13 years of editorial experience!
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by Lynn

Negotiating the Author–Publisher Agreement

Contract negotiation. For many people, that activity ranks right up there with going to the dentist or being summoned for jury duty. The feeling of unease might be associated with an unpleasant experience from the past, or it might come from anxiety about possible confrontation with a perceived adversary. But like each of the analogous activities noted here, the anticipation is usually worse than the experience itself. In fact, early discussions with your acquisitions editor and attention to a
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by Jason

Orchestrating a Photo and Video Shoot

As a developmental editor at Human Kinetics, I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer reviewing manuscripts, compiling art manuscripts, answering e-mails, and so on. Every once in a while, though, my typical day gets turned upside down when I work on a product suite that requires a photo shoot. Such was the case with the fourth edition of Facilitated Stretching by Robert McAtee and Jeff Charland. This book, which also features streaming online high-definition video, required a week-long
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by Amanda

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