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New Releases: April 1, 2014, - June 30, 2014

New Releases: April 1, 2014, - June 30, 2014
These are the products that were released and offered for sale between April 1, 2014, - June 30, 2014. Clicking on a product title will take you to more information on the Human Kinetics Web site.
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New Releases: January 1, 2014, - March 31, 2014

These are the products that were released and offered for sale between January 1, 2014, and March 31, 2014. Clicking on a product title will take you to more information on the HK website.
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by Amy

New Releases: October 1, 2013, - December 31, 2013

These are the products that were released and offered for sale between October 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013. Clicking on a product title will take you to more information on the HK website. In addition to these products, visit the iTunes store for app titles: Bodyweight Training Anatomy and Yoga for Better Running and these interactive enhanced e-book titles: Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy, Kettlebell Training, and Stretching Anatomy, 2nd Edition. The American Sport Education Program
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by Amy

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