We’re pleased to share milestones that our authors and other friends have achieved recently.

Congratulations to HK author Tim Lee, who is happy to announce his official retirement from the department of kinesiology at McMaster University on July 1. Tim is the author of Motor Control in Everyday Actions and coauthor along with Dr. Richard Schmidt on Motor Control and Learning and Motor Learning and Performance, both now in their fifth editions. Tim reports that he and his wife are looking forward to playing lots of golf and spending more time with their growing family—grandchild 5 arrived just two weeks ago. We wish you all the best and look forward to continued work with HK!
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Don Meyer, a legend of college basketball and an author of Basketball Skills and Drills, Second Edition, died Sunday, May 18, in Aberdeen, South Dakota, at the age of 69. Meyer fought carcinoid cancer in the last years of his life.
A purist who loved teaching and basketball but was not interested in navigating the complications attached to Division I basketball, Meyer spent his career working at small colleges: Hamline in Minnesota, Lipscomb University in Nashville, and Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota. In January 2009, Meyer set the mark for the most wins for any men’s coach in NCAA history; when he retired after the 2009-2010 season, he had 923 victories, a mark that has since been surpassed by Mike Krzyzewski.
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Five HK authors received the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award. Presented annually since 2007, the Lifetime Achievement Award is given to individuals whose careers have greatly contributed to the advancement or promotion of physical activity, fitness, sports, and nutrition-related programs nationwide. Recipients are selected by members of PCFSN based on the span and scope of an individual’s career, the estimated number of lives the person has touched, and the impact of the person’s legacy.
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ACSM announced their new slate of officers, and several HK authors are among them: Larry Armstrong (Exertional Heat Illnesses and Performing in Extreme Environments), Carl Foster (Physiological Assessment of Human Fitness), Nancy Clark (Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook), David Buchner (Implementing Physical Activity Strategies), and Jonathan Ehrman (Clinical Exercise Physiology). See www.acsm.org/docs/other-documents/2014-15-acsm-election-results.pdf for details.
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John Spengler, a professor in sport management in the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida, was invited to attend the White House Healthy Kids & Safe Sports Concussion Summit held in the East Room of the White House. John has authored or contributed to several HK titles, including Risk Management in Sport and Recreation, Introduction to Sport Law, and Case Studies in Sport Law. You can read about John’s White House visit at http://news.ufl.edu/2014/06/05/professor-white-house-summit.
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Diane Gill, a professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, was presented with the Distinguished Scholar Award for long-time service to NASPSPA at the organization’s conference in Minneapolis in June. Diane is the author of Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise.
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Mike Johnston (coauthor of Hockey Systems and Strategies) has been named the new head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Johnston had previously been the coach and general manager of the Portland Winterhawks of the WHL and was an associate coach with the LA Kings and Vancouver Canucks prior to then.
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