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HK Canada in Partnership with Canfitpro

by Jake
HK Canada in Partnership with Canfitpro
Founded in 1993, canfitpro is the largest provider of education in the Canadian fitness industry, delivering high-quality education, certifications, conferences, trade shows, and services to more than 85,000 members who include some of the world’s finest fitness professionals, health club operators, industry suppliers, and fitness consumers. HK Canada’s proud partnership with canfitpro stretches back over 15 years, beginning as an exhibitor in the early years of canfitpro’s
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South African Distribution

Human Kinetics reaches our worldwide customers by selling directly through our website and our subsidiary offices in Australia, Canada, and the UK and by partnering with and selling through distributors. Our distributors in South Africa are two of our longest-serving and most successful partners.
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by Barry

HK's Initiative in China

Human Kinetics has been selling books in China for more than 15 years. Since that time we’ve worked hard to make our content available to the Chinese people. KinesWorld Five years ago, we reached an agreement with a former HK employee, Enyi Cai, to represent us as our distributor for China under the name KinesWorld. KinesWorld has been successful in building our institutional, journal, and e-book sales. Operating as Human Kinetics China, KinesWorld has sold at least $25,000 in products
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by Barry

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