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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


HK Today

At the 2014 Boston Marathon

Jason Muzinic

This past April, Consumer marketing director Bill Johnson and I had the pleasure of being in Boston for the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. The majesty of the event is legendary, but this year, it was especially so. Blue and yellow and the now-familiar declaration of “Boston Strong” blanketed billboards, restaurants, and businesses. And though the attention centered on the event, the pride and passion on display were symbolic of so much more.

Nowhere was the significance more evident than at the Marathon Expo. The three-day event allowed Human Kinetics to showcase our titles on running, nutrition, and endurance; meet with authors; and interact with the runners themselves. Those interactions were both enlightening and inspiring.

The runners were there for several reasons, but few for the competition. Some ran for others; some ran for themselves. Some ran because they had not always been able or because soon they no longer would. The reasons were varied but always personal. We heard how our resources were pivotal in getting them to Boston and achieving their goals. It was a humbling experience and one that I want to share with all of you.

As an HK author, your work has educated, assisted, influenced, and inspired others. Whether it’s the youth league coach, elite athlete, tenured professor, world-renowned researcher, or any of the audiences HK has the pleasure of serving, your decision to share your expertise has affected the personal and professional lives of readers around the globe. You didn’t create a widget; you created change. It’s easy to lose sight of this. Boston was a welcome reminder.

Hal Higdon displays his new book at HK's booth.
Hal Higdon displays his new book at HK's booth.

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