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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


HK Today

Today’s Publisher More Valuable Than Ever

From Brian's Desk

Today’s Publisher More Valuable Than Ever

By Brian Holding, CEO Emeritus - Retired brianh@hkusa.com

April 1, 2014, marked the 40th anniversary of the founding of Human Kinetics, and we did a fair amount of looking back at those years in the months leading up to that day. A lot has changed over the decades, but the commitment to our authors has not wavered since Rainer Martens, HK’s founder, entered into a contract with Brian Sharkey to write our first book, which is still in print today as Fitness and Health, Seventh Edition.


Back then, though, Brian submitted the manuscript for what was then titled Physiology of Health and Fitness, which he’d typed on his manual typewriter. It was painstaking work and Brian admits to being reluctant to make changes given the ordeal of inserting a new paragraph into a typed page. “You would think twice bef…

Global Perspective

South African Distribution

By Barry Johnson, Department Director barryj@hkusa.com

Human Kinetics reaches our worldwide customers by selling directly through our website and our subsidiary offices in Australia, Canada, and the UK and by partnering with and selling through distributors.

Our distributors in South Africa are two of our longest-serving and most successful partners.

Continuing education continues to prosper in most sectors of the economy. Competition in the fitness industry is greater than ever, and informed, educated fitness professionals will always rise to the top because of their creativity and desire to incorporate the most recent research, programming ideas, and industry trends to produce successful and healthy outcomes for their clients.

News From Around HK

HK’s New Human Resources Director Introduces Herself

By Tara Swearingen, Human Resources Director taras@hkusa.com

I am lucky to have found a way to combine my outside interests with my formal training and call it work! As a former physical education teacher, coach, and official, I found my way into human resources when a mentor took me under his wing and declared I’d make a great HR professional.

Tips For A Successful Publishing Experience

Understanding Ancillaries

By Kate Maurer, Developmental Editor katem@hkusa.com

For many textbooks, it’s essential that we think not just about the book but also about creating a high-quality suite of products for the instructors who will choose the text for their courses. Human Kinetics textbooks often include ancillaries such as instructor guides, test packages and chapter quizzes, and presentation packages. Student ancillaries, such as downloadable web resources and interactive web study guides, are also appropriate for some books. All of these products are delivered electronically through the Human Kinetics website. If your acquisitions editor has determined that ancillaries will be an asset to your book, here are some tips for ensuring their success.


Human Kinetics Strengthens Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

By Amy Rose, Video/Associate Mgmt Editor amyr@hkusa.com

Did you know that Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia to never have been colonized by a Western power or that Moroccan cuisine is considered one of the most diverse cuisines in the world, partially due to its remarkable variety of influences?

These are just a few of the facts we’ve learned through the efforts of the new Diversity and Inclusion Committee at Human Kinetics. The committee was formed to foster a work environment that welcomes a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and life experiences and ensures that no one’s professional growth or advancement is limited because of gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, or other categorization.

New Releases: January 1, 2014, - March 31, 2014

These are the products that were released and offered for sale between January 1, 2014, and March 31, 2014. Clicking on a product title will take you to more information on the HK website.

Applied Health Fitness Psychology

by Mark Anshel

Fitness Weight Training, Third Edition

by Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W. Earle

Exercise for Frail Elders, Second Edition

Authors and Editors in the News Authors and Editors in the News

We’re pleased to share milestones that our authors and other friends have achieved recently.

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