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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


HK Today

Human Kinetics acquires DSWFitness

Steve Ruhlig

On August 22, Human Kinetics shared some exciting news. You may have seen the press release on our website and in other communications, but I want to share it again here. We’re very excited about the partnership of Human Kinetics and DSWFitness.


Champaign, IL—Human Kinetics has acquired DSWFitness, Inc., Center for Continuing Education, joining the forces of two widely respected information leaders in the fitness industry.


The move will combine the resources and products of Human Kinetics, known globally for its wide range of products in the physical activity and health fields, with DSWFitness, a 33-year veteran and leader of continuing education products for health and fitness professionals.


The acquisition combines two highly compatible companies and reinforces the commitment to the development and distribution of high-quality continuing education coursework for the health and fitness industry.


“We are enthusiastic about Desert Southwest Fitness joining Human Kinetics to expand our online fitness education courses,” said Rainer Martens, president and founder of Human Kinetics. “DSWFitness has been a leader in online fitness education, and the partnership will let both of us serve our fitness customers to an even greater extent.”


The partnership will make the outstanding continuing education programs of both DSWFitness and Human Kinetics available to a broad range of health and fitness professionals.


“We are excited by the opportunities this acquisition will provide. Human Kinetics continues to set the publication bar for the health and fitness industry. Their commitment to academic excellence coupled with their outstanding publications for higher education and professional development aligns with the core vision and values of DSWFitness,” said Gwen Hyatt, president and CEO of DSWFitness.


Customers who have become accustomed to the service and support of DSWFitness will be able to continue to interact with current staff. Hyatt will serve as director of continuing education at Human Kinetics, acquiring products and establishing partnerships with association leaders and industry experts. Tish Monroe, current chief operations officer of DSWFitness, will serve as continuing education operations manager at Human Kinetics.


“We’re very pleased that we are able to work with the staff who have made DSWFitness a success and to work in tandem to create new high-quality products serving our fields,” said Brian Holding, CEO of Human Kinetics.


Founded in 1980 and based in Tucson, Arizona, DSWFitness, Inc., Center for Continuing Education is dedicated to the publication and distribution of the highest-quality professional development materials for health, fitness, and clinical professionals. DSWFitness specializes in self-directed distance learning and offers over 150 print and digital continuing education products.



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