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HK Today

Attendance at Trade Shows Gets Your Work in Front of People


(Exhibit Manager Jean Edwards coauthored this article.)


A trade show lasts only a few days, but our work for each one starts about a year in advance. As the Human Kinetics exhibits managers, our role is to manage every detail that goes into our participation in trade shows. We administer all of the arrangements and oversee planning for each event. Putting an exhibit together is truly a team effort and involves our collaboration with virtually every department at Human Kinetics—marketing, sales, graphic design, tech, fulfillment, finance, and shipping, to name a few.


Each year our strategic planning begins with the consideration of hundreds of potential events in which to participate. Human Kinetics takes part in large events such as Book Expo America, Frankfurt Book Fair, ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) Annual Meeting, NATA (National Athletic Trainers Association), SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America National Convention, as well as smaller meetings and conferences. We consider each event based on criteria such as our new titles and products to promote, Human Kinetics’ relationship with the sponsoring organization, and activity within the state such as textbook adoptions.


We work with marketing staff to select the appropriate titles to send to each event. When program information is available in advance, we ensure that authors’ titles are sent to the show in support of their presentations. We craft each book list to cater to the audience at each event. We also work with Journals division staff to coordinate editorial board meetings at their corresponding conferences.


In April we exhibited at the SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD) National Convention in St. Louis. Over 4,000 people attended this event. Human Kinetics is the official publisher of SHAPE America, and one of our new products this year was the SHAPE America title National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. We also showcased the newly released sixth edition of Fitness for Life. We look forward to this convention every year because it is always an excellent opportunity to connect with customers, authors, and partners.


The ACSM Annual Meeting is one of the largest trade shows that we exhibit at each year. ACSM continues to be a key academic show, allowing us to strengthen our relationship with ACSM, authors, and faculty. Human Kinetics’ name is well known and respected by attendees, which is evident by the record sales we just had at ACSM in May. By exhibiting at ACSM, we are able to showcase our newest resources in exercise science, proving that Human Kinetics is the best in the field.


We enjoy our positions as exhibits managers because we work with so many great people, and our jobs are never the same day to day. The fact that we have been at Human Kinetics as exhibits managers for seven years (Julie) and eight years (Jean) is evidence of this.





Here are the tradeshow exhibits that we have planned for the current fiscal year:


American Volleyball Coaches Association Spring Conference, attendance 300


American Baseball Coaches Association Annual Convention, attendance 4,800


National Strength and Conditioning Association Coaches Conference, attendance 675


American Football Coaches Association Annual Convention, attendance 675


Illinois Marathon Expo, attendance 20,000


Frankfurt Book Fair, attendance 280,000


Beijing International Book Fair, attendance 200,000


Book Expo America, attendance 28,000


Society of Health and Physical Educators America National Convention, attendance 4,500


Arizona Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 250


California Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 800


Du Page County Physical Education Day, attendance 1,200


Eastern District (of SHAPE) Convention, attendance 1,200


Florida Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 600


Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 3,000


Maryland Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 800


National Physical Education Institute, attendance 350


National Dance Education Organization National Conference, attendance 500


New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 1,400


New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 1,400


Society for Public Health Education, attendance 600


Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 2,300


Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Summer Conference, attendance 2,000


Texas Secondary Elementary Administrators Summit, attendance 100


Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, attendance 600


Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Convention, attendance 750


Aquatic Exercise Association/International Aquatic Fitness Conference, attendance 800


Association of Aquatic Professionals Conference, attendance 200


World Waterpark Symposium, attendance 600


Illinois Park & Recreation Association/Illinois Association of Park Districts Conference, attendance 4300


National Recreation and Park Association Congress, attendance 7000


American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, attendance 5500


North American Society for Sport Management Conference, attendance 573


North American Society of Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Conference, attendance 450


National Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting, attendance 15,000


American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Annual Meeting, attendance 1100


Association of Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, attendance 950


North American Society for Sociology of Sport Conference, attendance 250


American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, attendance 9000


Collegiate & Professional Sports Dietitians Association Conference, attendance 300


Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists Symposium, attendance 300


National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, attendance 1725


Club Industry Show, attendance 4200


NSCA Personal Trainer Conference, attendance 425


ACSM Health and Fitness Summit, attendance 895

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