This past April, HK’s Consumer division marketing director Bill Johnson and I had the pleasure of being in Boston for the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. The majesty of the event is legendary, but this year, it was especially so. Blue and yellow and the now-familiar declaration of “Boston Strong” blanketed billboards, restaurants, and businesses. And though the attention centered on the event, the pride and passion on display were symbolic of so much more.
Nowhere was [read more]
Continuing education continues to prosper in most sectors of the economy. Competition in the fitness industry is greater than ever, and informed, educated fitness professionals will always rise to the top because of their creativity and desire to incorporate the most recent research, programming ideas, and industry trends to produce successful and healthy outcomes for their clients. [read more]
Fitnessgram 10 (FG10), the latest version of the nation’s most respected and widely used youth health-related fitness assessment, was released early this fall. The new release is already being used by the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) and has been adopted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
New features of FG10 software include a fully hosted solution that eliminates the need for school systems to purchase servers and involve instructional technology staff in [read more]
For the past 18 years, Human Kinetics has provided management services to a number of associations in the physical activity field. The services include hosting websites, managing membership, running conferences, hosting webinars, and even helping associations get started from scratch. Association management wasn’t even a term that we were familiar with when we started providing these services—it was just something HK’s cofounder and president Rainer Martens thought HK could do [read more]