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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


Primal Pictures Software

Primal Pictures Demonstration

Remarkable anatomical animation at your fingertips!

Human Kinetics is pleased to offer an innovative line of interactive CD-ROMs and DVDs and a Web-based subscription service that depict anatomy in remarkable new ways.

This series of anatomical and clinical pathology software features computer graphic models of human anatomy derived from MRI scan data. The fully interactive 3-D animations show function, biomechanics, and surgical procedures.

Attention to detail, accuracy, and clarity are at the cornerstone of all these amazing products, which were created by Primal Pictures and designed by experts in the United Kingdom and the United States.

These dynamic resources provide vivid images of specific areas of the body and are ideal for use by instructors, students, and professionals in the following fields: athletic training, sports medicine, physical therapy, massage therapy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness, strength and conditioning, and physical activity.

You can purchase these products separately or take advantage of great savings by purchasing a bundle package. If you are interested in using the programs in a classroom or laboratory setting, please contact us for details. Click here for a complete list of Primal Pictures products available from Human Kinetics.

Course instructors: Adopt Primal software for use in your class!
Teaching the intricacies of anatomy to your students has never been easier. Primal Pictures software programs allow you to illustrate anatomy to your students in remarkable new ways, and can be used in laboratory settings or in the classroom. Take advantage of special pricing on network versions for individual products or for the entire line of Primal software through an outright one-time purchase or a renewable license agreement. Several billing options are available based on the number of students in your course. These programs can be delivered via the Internet or through network configurations that can be constructed with your specific needs in mind. If you are interested in adopting this software for your class, please contact your sales representative.

Free Web-based demonstrations!

Click here to sample an interactive animation.

Click for guided tour of a Primal Program


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