Presenter Overview
Dr Ezio Preatoni, FHEA is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Biomechanics and Motor Control at the University of Bath, UK.
Ezio’s research is in the area of movement and coordination dynamics, and injury prevention. As a member of the Rugby Science group of the University of Bath (RS@Bath) he has been working in the area of sports collisions and injury prevention, with a specific focus on the Rugby Union scrum and tackle. These investigations have had a worldwide impact, have driven policy changes and contributed better health and safety for rugby players.
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Recorded on 8th November 2017
Contact sports typically impose high and repetitive biomechanical demands on the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, which can lead to acute or chronic injuries. Understanding the mechanisms causing these injuries is key to improve injury prevention strategies. However, despite the progress of technologies and methods, it is often impossible to directly measure the specific loading on the anatomical structures of the human body as a result of sports events involving impacts.
This webinar will use Rugby Union events (scrum and tackles) as a paradigm for discussion and will present the integrated approach taken by RS@Bath in the study of sports collisions.
Learning outcomes
- Identify experimental issues in the analysis of injury mechanisms in sport collisions
- Identify potential and limitations of different experimental approaches for the study of the biomechanical loading generated by sport impacts
- Describe and discuss the outcomes of an integrated analysis (in situ, in vivo, in vitro, in silico) of Rugby Union contact events