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Advanced Sports Nutrition-3rd Edition

Author: Dan Benardot

$34.95 USD

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$34.95 USD
$34.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492593096


Page Count: 528

Use the most sophisticated sports nutrition information to help you reach your athletic performance goals.

In Advanced Sports Nutrition, Third Edition, world-renowned sports nutritionist Dr. Dan Benardot combines the latest research, strategies, and sports nutrition information with his experience in academia and work with elite athletes to help you learn the following:
  • The implications of relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) and within-day energy balance so you can maintain crucial energy balance throughout training and competition
  • Optimal ratios and quantities of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for achieving maximum power, strength, and performance
  • How to avoid gastrointestinal distress during activity
  • The most popular supplements and their effects on your athletic performance
  • Strategies for balancing fluid and electrolytes to avoid dehydration and hyperhydration
  • How to combat the effects of travel, such as jet lag, new foods, sleep disruption, and high altitude
  • Weight-loss and body-composition issues so you can apply appropriate strategies to achieve the optimal strength-to-weight ratio for your sport
  • Sport-specific guidelines for power sports, endurance sports, and those that require both power and endurance
To further assist you in distilling the science into practice, you’ll find 13 practical nutrition guides in the appendix. Curious about pregame nutrition, hydration, high-carb snacks, or macronutrient intake? These quick reference sheets help you easily apply the principles to your own nutrition plan.

With Advanced Sports Nutrition, Third Edition, you get practical advice for how best to put nutrition science to work for you.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Athletes, sport nutritionists, strength and conditioning coaches, and athletic trainers.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Gary Stephens
My Nutrition Bible

Dr. Bernardot’s work is truly a gift. I love reading about sports nutrition and his work provides clear, extensive, the most intelligent nutrition education an athlete can find. Thank you Dr. Bernardot!!

Douglas Allard
Advanced Sports Nutrition-3rd Edition Review

Absolutely one of the best books I have read on sports nutrition. Very detailed, and yet practical. All sections lead back to functional applications to sports and training. I particularly liked the narratives that referred to previous research, and how they apply to performance.