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News and Excerpts

1 - 10 of 3192   Articles
Nutrition strategies: pregame to game time

Nutrition strategies: pregame to game time

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Intake for performance enhancement

Intake for performance enhancement

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Sustain high-level performance with fluids and electrolytes

Sustain high-level performance with fluids and electrolytes

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Teaching Tip: Improving Instructional Effectiveness

Teaching Tip: Improving Instructional Effectiveness

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Dynamic PE ASAP Assessments

Dynamic PE ASAP Assessments

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Nontraditional PE Activities: Minipyramids

Nontraditional PE Activities: Minipyramids

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Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

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Advocating for Your Physical Education Program

Advocating for Your Physical Education Program

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The right way to return from a soccer injury

The right way to return from a soccer injury

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Building strength for soccer with the rear foot elevated split squat

Building strength for soccer with the rear foot elevated split squat

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