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View demonstration of Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course

Now you can get an up-close look at the new Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online... Read More

Link to YouTube demo for Implementing Skills-Based Health Education...

See the features of the course and how to navigate it Read More

Live Well Comprehensive High School Health's Correlation to the...

For the Health and Fitness subject area, view the Correlation to the National Health Education... Read More

Video demonstration of Music Education for Dancers Online Course

Music Education for Dancers Online Course is a high-quality professional development product for K-12 dance... Read More

Video demonstration of Dance Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide

With Dance Education edTPA Online Preparation Guide, learn strategies to successfully navigate the edTPA submission... Read More

One of the world's fastest-growing sports has its first...

By the end of 2013, pickleball was being played in all 50 states. Recognizing that... Read More

Women, Sport, & Equality in the 21st Century: An...

Ellen Staurowsky discusses gender equality in sport. Read More

Education; Parks, Recreation, Sport; and Non-profit Strategies

This webinar covers content from the text Implementing Physical Activity Strategies. Read More

The ADA recommends HK titles for CSSD candidates

Four Human Kinetics titles are on the American Dietetic Association’s recommended reading list for CSSD... Read More