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What is ICAPA?

The International Coalition for Aging and Physical Activity (ICAPA) is an international not-for-profit group of researchers and practitioners that promotes the study of active aging; the enhanced delivery of services to older adults; and the collection, dissemination, and discussion of information to help professionals further their work. Active aging is the process of leading an active life in order to optimize health, happiness, and autonomy as people age.

What are ICAPA’s goals?

ICAPA serves as a liaison between regional, national, and international professional groups with an interest in activity and aging. It also bolsters the work of researchers and practitioners in the active aging field by participating in the Active Aging Community Center (AACC) Web site, which facilitates the sharing and discussion of active aging issues. ICAPA will also organize a World Congress on Active Aging approximately every four years. The next Congress will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2012.

Who may join ICAPA?

Any regional, national, or international organization that focuses on the study of aging or delivers programs and services to older adults may join ICAPA. Membership is free; there are no dues, but member organizations must be willing to participate in the Active Aging Community Center because the Coalition works through the AACC to accomplish its goals. Member organizations may include research groups, professional organizations, therapeutic service groups, fitness facilities, hospitals, universities/colleges, student organizations, not-for-profit organizations, assisted living facilities, and wellness centers.

Join today!

Why should my organization join ICAPA?

ICAPA believes that professionals in the field of active aging share the same goal: to help the world age actively. When your organization becomes a member of ICAPA, you and your colleagues join a worldwide community dedicated to advancing the study of active aging and enhancing the delivery of services to older adults. You join peers representing diverse disciplines and backgrounds who are dedicated to enhancing the lives of people as they age.

A key way to enrich and support your active aging work worldwide is by participating in the Active Aging Community Center. This is the place to share information about what you are working on, learn what your colleagues around the world are doing, and discuss vital issues in the field of active aging.

When your organization joins ICAPA, you will receive unique membership benefits.

Where can I get more information?

For more information on ICAPA or the Active Aging Community Center, please e-mail aacc@hkusa.com.

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